Princess Ball Shows What Real Beauty is to Survivors of Domestic Violence

We don’t usually associate homelessness, domestic violence and life in a shelter with ball gowns, sparkling jewelry or joyous dancing. For the women at The Salvation Army’s Ruth Lilly Women & Children’s Center in Indianapolis, this all changed with the inaugural Princess Ball, held next door to the shelter at Center City Corps.

The two buildings are part of the Block of Hope, The Salvation Army’s property in downtown Indianapolis that attends to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of women, children and families from across Indiana. Many who come here have traveled difficult, demoralizing roads. Hope often seems out of reach and love a thing of fairy tales.

Princess Ball 2That’s where the idea of the Princess Ball grew. It was conceived as a way to show the women living at the Block of Hope that real beauty and worth live in our hearts and souls. As Envoy Becky Roberson explained to the ladies, “We are all princesses because we have all been kissed by the King.”

Read the full article here.

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