Sidney Clark calls himself “Cupid.” He’ll even mimic the motions of pulling on a bow and arrow, just as the figure in classical mythology is often pictured.
Clark brought two people together at the Kroc Center, although the ultimate match was determined by a medical team.
On April 29, thanks to Clark’s willingness to talk about someone in need of a kidney, Lewis Williams got one. The donor was Christopher Hernandez, a co-worker of Clark’s. Williams is a member of the Kroc Center.
“I was on dialysis,” Williams said. “I had reconciled it with myself that I would die on dialysis.”
When Hernandez learned about Williams’ plight, he told Clark he’d give one of his kidneys to the former law enforcement officer.
Clark told Williams, who found it hard to believe at first. The reality set in after Hernandez went online and filled out a donor information form.