Photo: In 2004, Salvation Army Florida Divisional Commander Steven Hedgren greets President George W. Bush in the aftermath of Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne.
For Floridians, Alabamans, and many others living in the southeastern United States, 2004 will always be remembered as the year of the “Big Four” hurricanes: Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. The four storms caused billions of dollars in damages in the U.S. – at the time ranking the 2004 hurricane season as the costliest on record – the brunt of which was felt in Florida where all four storms made landfall. Within the Sunshine State and nearby Alabama, The Salvation Army met the storm’s fury with hope and comfort, mobilizing hundreds of mobile feeding units, tractor-trailer sized field kitchens, and thousands of disaster workers to provide food, water, emotional and spiritual care, and other forms of emergency aid to survivors and rescue workers.
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