Volunteers reached into a small trailer outside Salvation Army-Hazleton's Soup Kitchen on Friday and scooped up about one-thousand freshly picked ears of corn. All of it is grown by someone who took to farming simply to help feed the needy. "Mr. Roman... a wonderful man. He brings us a lot of corn every other day and it's... it's a great help to the community," said Salvation Army-Hazleton Food Coordinator Freddie Maisonet.
Al Roman says he grows the corn in Butler Township on farmland that a man named Kevin Lamount provides to him. "A special four acres that somebody donates to us every year and this is what we planted." Mr. Roman says the idea started small but just like this year's harvest it really grew. "We had some one year and everybody came out... the people who needed it like the people you see here I thought maybe it's a good idea to raise three or four acres and give it all to them."
Read the full article here.

Growing Corn to Feed the Needy in NEPA
Friday, September 12, 2014
Al Roman, Butler Township, Corn, feeding the needy, PA

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