In The Salvation Army, we have so much to be thankful for. From a supportive community that cares about its people to our dedicated team members, every person contributes to our promise of Doing the Most Good.
Yet when it’s all said and done, it’s volunteers who make the real difference. Whether you’re new to volunteering or have been with us a long time, we truly appreciate all that you do. Here are five reasons why your help matters:
We couldn’t do it without you. The Salvation Army has always said that we rely upon the help of our volunteers. This continues to be true every day. Volunteers like you give their precious time to help us achieve our mission of helping anyone in need without discrimination. In fact, without the help of our volunteers, our food shelves, hot meal services, stores and holiday programs, among others, would struggle to meet the needs of their visitors.

Five Reasons Volunteers Matter
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
dedicated team members, Salvation Army, Volunteers

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