When to Get Rid of Clothes

@salarmynova  #salvationarmynova #familystores #ARC

You might have some clothes and shoes taking up space in your closet that you could let go of. It might be time to recycle, donateconsign if your clothing falls into one of the following categories:
When to Get Rid of Clothes

1. If Ink stains, clothes moths, mold stains, dye stains or a musty smell are present Okay, so these seem obvious, but for some extreme clothes hoarders, getting rid of 
is very emotional.  However, in the case of clothes moths or mold, dye, or ink stains, you need to accept that your clothing is beyond recovering.

While clothes moths, a musty smell or mold stains indicate you haven't worn these items in a while, ink stains on clothes are especially aggravating because this clothing item is clearly something you wear.  Bring the sweater, shirt or pant to the best dry cleaner you can find, and tell them exactly what kind of ink caused the stain.  They may be able to get it out. If not, cut your losses and get rid of this clothing.

2. You no longer love it This is the best reason to get rid of clothes and shoes. Closets are typically small spaces in our homes so maximizing space is key. If you don’t love something, there’s really no reason to give up space to it in your closet.

Read the full article here.

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